|| Travel with Skincare post ft. Klair’s #fundamentalampulemist ||

My trip to Nepal was a short one this time. Going home after nearly 2.5 years had me so nostalgic. Meeting my family and seeing my niece for the first time felt so good. We just celebrated my niece’s 1st birthday a few days back and she truly is the brimming sunshine in our lives. 

Already missing everyone back at home and though I am back in Japan, there truly is no better place like home.

I struggled to take this picture. The blazing sun was merciless and even though I had my #klairssoftairyuvessence, I was scared to get toasted in the sun. 

On the background is the Boudhanath Stupa, a UNESCO world heritage site and is one of the holiest Buddhist sites in Kathmandu, Nepal. Stay tuned to find out more about this place in my next post. 

Klair’s fundamental mist was such a lifesaver for me during my travel as the climate in Nepal was dehydrating my skin. This mist provided that much-needed moisture for my thirsty skin and kept my face supple and refreshed. I hadn’t tried any mists before and I am so happy that this was included in the Gothamista Wish Box. Now I cannot stop spraying. 😀