#travelwithskincare blog

I had some impromptu traveling this week. Some work-related meetings brought me back home to Nepal. Coming home after 2.5 years had me all excited and nervous at the same time. Seeing my 11 months old niece for the first time was probably the number one highlight of this trip. Also, getting to see my fur baby – Blackie, my big black Labrador after ages was something I was looking forward to.

It saddens me to see Kathmandu, the capital of Nepal, completely polluted by dust making the air feel heavy and congested. The bad roads, the poor traffic management (zero traffic lights), people crossing roads as and when they please, wastes being littered and piled up, the air polluted with dust and engine smoke makes Kathmandu look like it is in some kind of dust fog. Sigh!! When will these situations improve?

With that being said, the weather here is hot and even with a lil exposure to the sun, it can have you looking like a burned potato. Thus, I need my Klair’s sunscreen with me all the time. This sunscreen has been my knight in shining armor.

A little bit about the photo.

On the blurred background is the Wakupati Narayan temple that dates back to 1667 AD and is located in Dattatreya Square of the UNESCO World Heritage site – Bhaktapur Durbar Square, Nepal.